The novel centers around the crime of adultery. Due to the fact that the accused was a woman, Hester Prynne, the punishment was harsher on her and she was looked down upon. Hester's punishment was to be sentenced to life in prison and public humiliation. However, this was a light punishment compared to the death sentence she would have had, if she had not had a baby. Adultery should not be a crime to be jailed for. It is a private issue between man and wife, and if that does occur in a marriage then the issue should be taken care of it privately. Everyone, has their own private matters within their family and should be kept a secret. If this occurred in todays time, cheating on a spouse would be fixed by filling for a divorce or going to a marriage councilor. Adultery would not be a harsh punishment at all, but like always, it will be extremely looked down upon.
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